As I mentioned in my previous post, I got to spend the entire weekend introducing Icebreakers for Vikings at the Hämeen Keskiaikafestival 14-16.8.2020!
Although I thought I knew what to expect, I just have to say that I didn't comprehend how mesmerizing and enchanting this festival would be!!!
Let's check out what Hämeen keskiaikafestival 2020 looked like this year!
All pictures are by the obscenely talented photographer; Tony Paldanius
This event was truly amazing, from the morning until the night!
During the daytime there are shows to see all over the Häme castle park area, many different merchants selling art, crafts and all things Viking, Pagan, Medieval!
A feast for the eyes, truly!
The atmosphere is light and happy, and festival goers are dressed up in gorgeous costumes!
It's almost as if you entered a dream!
In the evening, the festival area is full of lanterns and candles, the castle is lit up beautifully, with lights that change colors!
The evening shows are amazing, there is excitement in the dark with fire dancers and then a story about a fight between the light and darkness with horses, devilish looking creatures and a lot more!
The tavern has food and drinks of all sorts, and musicians are entertaining the tavern folk throughout the festival, from day time to night time.
The entire event is thought out very well, a humongous thank you to the group behind it all:the volunteers and the Hämeenlinnan keskiaika yhdistys (Häme medieval association) and the biggest thank you goes to Ville Ketonen, who in my opinion is the "cult leader" (I am referring him as a cult leader in the most positive way, do not get me wrong here!), a man who has a vision and does all of this as a hobby!
He has a way of engaging people, and the way he can still have a smile on his face and help everyone without getting frustrated or showing stress is extremely respectable!
Those leadership skills are rare!
I can only imagine the amount of things he has to tend to behind the scenes.
But here he is, doing the thing he loves, and giving it his all! Ville, you are inspiring and amazing!
Of course, it's not just him alone doing all of this. Thankfully he has a hardworking team with him that share the love of medieval as well as have a big passion for making this festival what is was this year; amazing!
But I think the reason why he has such an amazing crew is because of him and the way he handles everyone.
All of the people who built this festival for all of us to enjoy, do all of it as a hobby and it is mainly volunteer work! Big shout out to all of you for making this event so extremely wonderful!
So thank you Ville, Valhalla camp, and everyone else who worked hard to make this festival as amazing as it was!
This was my first, but definitely not my last time coming!
- Kartini
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